Call for Papers

The conference organizer is pleased to invite academics, practitioners, scholars, researchers, and policy makers of any government to present their papers in PiCCWED. Papers should be submitted through online submission system and will be blind reviewed.

We also welcome and highly encourage postgraduate students to present their research proposal or literature review or discussion on specific issues of their research and findings in PiCCWED, with special registration fees. Papers may address, but not restricted to, the main theme and any of the following sub-themes. Unlisted but related sub-topics are also acceptable.

Children, Women, Elderly and Persons with Disabilities

Search your theme or topic using one or more related keyword(s):

Abuse and neglect of children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities
Alternative and institutional care for children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities.
Alternative Dispute Resolution for cases involving children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities.
Child and female headed household.
Child labour.
Child marriage.
Children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities and substance abuse.
Children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities and wealth management.
Children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities in conflict with the law.
Children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities in leadership and politics.
Children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities in work place and employment.
Children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities of the indigenous group and the minorities.
Children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities victims of organised crime.
Children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities as research subjects.
Children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities and the impact of globalisation and borderless world.
Criminal justice for children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities.
Discrimination against children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities.
Domestic violence against children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities.
Education and development of children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities.
Empowerment of children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities.
Exploitation of children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities.
Family issues relating to children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities.
Healthcare and mental health of children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities.
Human trafficking and smuggling.
Humanitarian protection of children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities.
Islamic perspective of issues relating to children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities.
Law literacy of children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities.
Legal and personal status of children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities.
Maqasid Syariah and its relation to children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities.
Maternity, breastfeeding and custody of children.
Migrant children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities.
Policies relating to children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities.
Poverty of children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities.
Refugee, displaced and stateless children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities.
Rehabilitation of children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities who are victims of crimes.
Rights of children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities.
The economics of children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities issues.
The new media and the challenges for children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities.
The principle of family unity.
The principle of the best interests of the child.
The protection of children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities in domestic and international law.
The protection of children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities in Islam.
Trans-boundary adoption and abduction.
Violence against children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities.
Voices of children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities.
Wasatiyyah principle in relation to children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities.
Welfare and support services for children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities.
Voluntary and charity work for children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities.